Sample Design and Evaluation
    Dan Hansen

    For more information, contact Dan Hansen.

    Sample Design and Evaluation

    Sample design plays an important role in a variety of analyses, and Christensen Associates knows how to get results that are representative of the relevant population. We have extensive experience in designing samples and evaluating sample designs in a variety of contexts, including customer surveys, field reviews, site surveys, energy utility load research samples, and program evaluations.

    We carefully study the population of interest to determine the most efficient sample design to meet the desired level of precision, accounting for the client’s resource constraints as needed. Where necessary, we stratify the sample to improve the efficiency and representativeness of the sample design.

    Christensen Associates has applied the same methods to evaluate existing sample designs. For example, an electric utility may want to evaluate whether its load research sample requires changes in order to continue to be representative of its customers.

    Dan Hansen

    For more information, contact Dan Hansen.

    "Thanks, Jeremy. And that’s for all the great work in this case."

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