Mark Meitzen

For more information, contact Mark Meitzen.

Regulatory Support

Since our founding in 1976, Christensen Associates has been at the forefront in analyzing the economic issues that arise in regulated industries.  We regularly assist regulated industries and regulatory agencies to implement effective and efficient policies.  We are adept at explaining complex economic and regulatory issues in accessible ways. Our experts write thorough reports, provide compelling written and in-person testimony, and have a proven record of success. We will work with you to meet your specific needs.

In particular, Christensen Associates has long and extensive experience in the energy, postal, telecommunications, and transportation sectors. Our regulatory expertise includes:

  • Analyzing market power
  • Benchmarking firm and industry performance using multidimensional criteria
  • Conducting cost-of-service studies
  • Designing performance-based and other incentive regulations
  • Determining the cost of capital
  • Developing defensible rate structures that result in equitable allocations of common costs
  • Forecasting prices and demand
  • Identifying win-win pricing reforms
  • Measuring firm and industry productivity
  • Simulating regulatory impacts
  • Scenario analyses
  • Testifying as expert witnesses
  • Writing documents, from briefing papers to multivolume reports, for presentation to corporate management, legislative committees, regulatory bodies, and trade organizations.
Mark Meitzen

For more information, contact Mark Meitzen.

"Jeff, Thank YOU for your hard work on this case. You were particularly good on cross examination. We look forward to working with you again in the future."

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