For more information, contact Mark Meitzen.
Pricing Strategies
Christensen Associates helps clients flourish in today's immensely competitive markets by building strategies for pricing differentiated products in a wide range of market segments. We provide a unified, cutting-edge approach to understanding and measuring costs, customer value, and risk; these are the three key ingredients for successful pricing strategies. We also have extensive knowledge of regulatory environments for costing and pricing in various industries, and our staff have served successfully as expert witnesses in numerous regulatory hearings.
Decades of experience allow Christensen Associates to build the detailed knowledge of product costs that is essential for competitive pricing strategies, investment planning, and product unbundling. We have pioneered groundbreaking approaches to cost analysis, including flexible econometric models and cost estimation for large networks. We employ a full repertoire of tools for cost analysis, customer value analysis, risk analysis, and market strategies.

For more information, contact Mark Meitzen.