Sam Cutting

For more information, contact Sam Cutting.

Economic and Engineering Models

Christensen Associates possesses the expertise to develop appropriate and defensible models of economic and engineering processes that work with the information that is available and relevant. We also have the skills and tools to implement those models in one of a wide variety of platforms, such as Stata, SAS, or MATLAB, that allows us to extract maximum information through validation exercises or sensitivity analyses.

We can also code robust, production-grade software that our clients can employ for future scenario analyses using data not yet envisioned or available. Christensen Associates staff have built software models that major U.S. utilities use to compute weather-adjusted consumer electricity demand, which is a key component to some of these clients' pricing programs. We have also produced and delivered models of vehicle purchase and use decisions for a state energy regulator. These models put our expertise into our clients’ hands on a daily basis.

Sam Cutting

For more information, contact Sam Cutting.

"Thanks Jeff. You and Jeremy were a big part of why we got a positive outcome."

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